Birth Trauma
Practitioners in Ireland
Birth Trauma Resolution therapy was founded and developed by Jenny Mullan . Birth Trauma Ireland Practitioners listed here have trained in Birth trauma resolution with Jenny Mullan.
This safe, non-invasive therapeutic approach supports individuals on their journey to emotional recovery, dealing with memories associated with birth related trauma This therapy builds confidence and resilience, helping those affected by birth trauma to move forward with a renewed sense of strength.
Birth trauma resolution therapy is a powerful tool to help people process and release the traumatic memories associated with a difficult birth or pregnancy related trauma. The brain has the capacity to resolve trauma and move on with a normal life following a difficult traumatising experience.
For many, this means they are able to recover from trauma on their own, but for some – up to one fifth of those affected – these memories come with such a strong emotional charge that they can be unable to shake them off no matter how hard they try.
Birth trauma resolution therapy helps them to look at these upsetting memories in a different light, adding context to the experience and break down the barriers preventing them from moving forward into a brighter, more confident future.
It’s an empowering technique that helps those who are feeling overwhelmed and stuck in the past find resiliency, so they can move on with their lives.
Birth Trauma Resolution allows traumatised individuals to process their distressing memories and remove the emotions associated with them.
Have you experienced a birth related trauma? You’re not alone. One fifth of people traumatised by pregnancy or birth require help to overcome the debilitating symptoms of trauma. Birth Trauma Resolution practitioners focus on helping you process your memories and removing the emotional tags associated with them in as little as two to three sessions.
So if you’ve been struggling to come to terms with a traumatic birth experience, get in touch and let us help you resolve the trauma and get back to feeling like yourself again.
How does Birth Trauma Resolution therapy work?
80% of people who have experienced a trauma will process the event themselves , storing the memory as their story.
For some individuals who have experienced a traumatic birth, their memories of the event may remain vivid and intense, with strong emotional responses still attached. This can cause them to have a heightened state of arousal or reactivity when reminded of the experience, even years after the event has occurred. This can be particularly challenging for individuals who have not received appropriate support or treatment following the traumatic event.
It's important to note that everyone responds to trauma differently, and some individuals may be more resilient and able to recover without specialist support. However, for those who continue to experience distressing symptoms or have difficulty functioning in their daily lives, seeking support from a BTR practitioner or other mental health professional can be an important step towards healing and recovery. BTR practitioners are trained to work with individuals who have experienced birth trauma and can provide tailored support and interventions to help individuals process their emotions, manage their symptoms, and move towards a more positive and empowering experience of birth. Most people will have a resolution in 2-4 sessions, often feeling so much better after just one session.
We start by using a screening tool to ensure if BTR is the best option, or which treatments in BTR will suit you best, then we create a treatment plan by discussing your goals.
Sessions consist of breathing techniques, guided meditation and the rewind technique that is designed to draw the negative emotions away from your experience. The deep relaxation state for BTR allows people to view their experience from a safe, calm space, encouraging the brain’s openness to reduce negative emotions and consider feeling more positive. Depending on the individual situation, other techniques may be used to help prepare for a future birth, or reframe the future with positivity leaving you calm and in control. Occasionally the sessions uncover other experiences that have been triggered by the birth experience which can be incorporated into the personalised treatment plan.

With BTR you can share as much or a little of the detail of the trauma as you wish as BTR works with the emotions that are attached to the trauma, not the details themselves. This may be helpful for those who don’t want to verbally express what happened.
BTR techniques can also help prevent anticipatory birth trauma by removing emotional charges from the brain’s negative imagination of birth (which can be caused by previous experiences, hearing traumatic birth stories etc.).
Click here to go through a questionnaire designed to see if you are suffering from birth trauma.
You can print this questionnaire off and take it to your GP or midwife.
Alternatively, for fast, effective and safe treatment by a BTR therapy practitioner click here to find a therapist near you.

Almost 20% of women experience trauma during birth, according to a recent survey carried out at a Dublin maternity hospital. The survey included 1,154 women who gave birth at the rotunda hospital was carried out by midwife and researcher Ursula Nagle. There is no clear definition of what constitutes a traumatic birth experience. Many women mention experience symptoms ofPTSD following birth but might not recognise these symptoms as trauma. But what is clear is that the women’s perception of events and how they are feeling following the birth is the clearest indicator of birth trauma, regardless of how the birth played out. Some women will seek help from medical professionals but because birth trauma often leads to depression, may be prescribed anti-depressants. However, it is important for new mothers to recognize the signs of birth trauma which can include anxiety, nightmares, flashbacks, and avoidance of anything associated with the birth. The symptoms of depression and PTSD can overlap sometimes leading to a misdiagnosis. Mental health professionals are available to help women suffering from birth trauma, and it is important to seek help if needed.
Guilt and Blame, far reaching consequences.
In Ireland we have cultivated a culture of glossing over difficult birth experiences. The adage that "all that matters is a healthy baby" and "didn't we all go through it" rolls of the tongue and totally dismisses the experience and does not allow the woman to express their distress, fear and hurt. Women are essentially being told that they are not entitled to their experiences of birth and are expected to suppress their emotions, move on and forget it.
Many women are further traumatised following birth by the lack of care they receive postnatally both in hospital and in the community.
Inappropriate screening and lack of aftercare coupled with the women's feelings of shame and guilt can often lead to the woman hiding her true emotions around the birth and lead to years of trauma and agony.
"I feel so releived and so much lighter after just three sessions.
I have been able to look at my baby photos for the first time last night"
Do you think you or someone you know may be suffering from Birth Trauma?
For fast, effective and safe treatment by a birth trauma practitioner click here to find a therapist near you.

Nobody wants to remember their birth experience as a scary event. But unfortunately for many people that’s exactly what it feels like. Sometimes even births that would be considered by society as a normal birth may have been traumatising.
Traumatic events around birth can leave long-lasting wounds, the effects of which can impact on other facets of their lives, bonding with baby, high levels of anxiety, relationship issues, decisions to have another baby or not.
More common than you might think
Sometimes birth-related PTSD is caused by a birth experience where people felt threatened or feared for their or their baby’s lives, miscarriage, stillbirth or severe complications. However, for many it can be caused by other factors; loss of control, loss of privacy or dignity, attitudes of the people around them, not feeling heard or listened to, lack of information or explanation, or non-consensual medical procedures.Birth trauma is unique to each person as we all come to birth with our own history and our own perception of the experience itself. It can affect women and men.
Approximately 6% of women are diagnosed with birth related trauma but it is highly possible that many more are undiagnosed and live with the symptoms.
It wasn’t until recently that we recognised that what we originally thought was postnatal depression was actually, in many women, a sub form of post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD and that their labour or birth was the trigger.
It is so important for people to talk through their birth and early parenting experiences, reflecting on the most import time of life, to be heard and validated and make sense of feelings so they can move forward.
Symptoms of Birth Trauma
Post birth the focus of care is often placed firmly on the newborn with little celebration or care afforded to the mother. The baby becomes the focus of attention and there is little or no follow up care in place for the woman.
Postnatal checks in the weeks following the birth include in some cases a screening tool for postnatal depression (PND) and not PTSD and because the symptoms overlap, many women have received a misdiagnosis. Symptoms for both these conditions include:
A loss of interest in things they used to enjoy
Loss of sense of humour
Self blame
Feelings of anxiety and panic
Feeling overwhelmed
Sleeping issues
Low mood, feeling sad, frequently crying
Feelings of self harm or harming baby
Women struggling with PTSD will remain preoccupied and triggered by the birth and in addition, may experience some of the following symptoms:
Intrusive distressing memories of the birth including upsetting images, thoughts and perceptions.
Nightmares about the birth
Flashbacks, reliving the birth as if it were still happening.
Panic and anxiety when remembering the birth.
Avoiding triggers, thoughts, places, people that are a reminder of the birth.
Persistent and increasing arousal, irritability, difficulty sleeping, hypervigilance, startled.
Feeling a sense of unreality and detachment.
Inappropriate screening and lack of aftercare coupled with the women's feelings of shame and guilt can often lead to the woman hiding her true emotions around the birth and lead to years of trauma and agony.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please remember you are not alone, they are a normal response to experiencing a traumatic event. However if you cannot process these emotions in the weeks following the birth please gen in touch with one of the practitioners here Practitioners

Who gets birth related PTSD?
Did you know that 1 in 5 birthing parents experience birth trauma?
But here’s the thing: While difficult, traumatic births are not necessarily indicative of a long-term condition called Birth Trauma / PTSD, many of people who endure a traumatic birth can process the experience naturally over time.
This means, with the right psychological intervention and support, those struggling with Birth Trauma / PTSD can find relief. So let’s spread awareness - let’s create a supportive birthing community and start talking about this important issue!
What influences our potential to suffer from birth related PTSD?
Birth is an incredibly powerful and special moment, but it can also be highly traumatic. We now know that the potential to experience trauma depends on a number of factors, including our intuitive intelligence, coping skills, and...imaginative capability!
Yes, you heard that right — if you have a strong imagination, it's important to be mindful that it can lead to further distress when discussing a traumatic event. So next time you're processing something difficult, take a deep breath and explore the experience from a holistic perspective. Your mental wellbeing could depend on it!
Can normal birth experiences cause trauma?
Trauma is an extremely personal experience, and the impact it can have on someone differs greatly depending on a variety of factors. While some may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a traumatic event, others may be profoundly affected by it in different ways.
So what influences our potential to be traumatised?
Our imagination! Highly imaginative women are more likely to be traumatised by a distressing event as they tend to visualise, imagine and dwell on the experience in vivid detail, often leading them to relive the event over and over again.
Knowing this.
BTR practitioners use a range of therapeutic techniques and tools to help individuals work through and process their birth trauma. These may include talking therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy, and other trauma-informed approaches. They may also provide practical support and guidance on accessing medical and legal services, as well as referrals to other healthcare professionals as needed.
BTR practitioners work collaboratively with their clients to create a safe and supportive environment for healing and recovery. They aim to empower individuals to understand their experiences, manage their symptoms, and develop strategies for coping with the ongoing effects of birth trauma.
It's important to note that birth trauma is a complex and multifaceted issue, and not all individuals who experience a difficult birth will develop PTSD or require specialist support. However, for those who do, BTR practitioners can play a vital role in helping them to move forward and reclaim their lives.
BTR practitioners come from diverse professional backgrounds, but all have a common interest in perinatal mental health and supporting individuals who have experienced birth trauma. The year-long postgraduate training programme they undertake is specifically designed to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and tools to recognise and alleviate the symptoms of birth trauma and PTSD. This training is rigorous and comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics such as trauma-informed care, attachment theory, perinatal mental health, and therapeutic techniques for treating birth trauma. By completing this training, BTR practitioners are well-prepared to provide expert support and care to individuals who have experienced birth-related trauma.

Bairbre Brooke

Tara Durkin
Emma McCoy

Liz Halliday
Co Wexford, Kilkenny, Carlow, Waterford
IG @theresolutionclinic
Email liz@theresolutionclinic

Moira McLoughlin

Mim Moran

Maria Saunders

Pauline Mc Loughlin

Kirsten Killoran
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